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November 26, 2022
The Interviewer Fell Asleep, So You’re Hired
Interview horror story #3 "My interviewer fell asleep during my answer. I got hired." (From social media) What’s your strangest interview moment?   #informedecisions #recruiting #hiring #interviews
November 26, 2022
Who cares about candidate experience when you can have an invalid test
A close friend of mine recently went to an assessment center for a data analyst position. They told me they were given a picture and had to write a story about it, to which I replied stunned, “seriously?!” This picture is taken from a test called TAT (Thematic Appreciation Test).
November 26, 2022
LinkedIn vs. Reality
#informedecisions #recruiting #hiring #assessment
September 26, 2022
Has your assessment tech been tested?
When considering a new assessment technology, check if and how it was tested or validated. This means the assessment was scientifically evaluated and proven to make accurate assessments, not discriminate against different demographics, and, at least potentially, predict job performance. These are great questions to ask the vendor's team of.
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