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HR Daily Advisor

AI vs. Human Blind Spots in the Interview Process: Finding the Right Balance

The goal of this article is to delineate the relative strengths and weaknesses of both AI and human assessments to help…
June 6, 2024
Interview Intelligence

Interview Intelligence: The Next Mileu In Talent Acquisition?

Find out what Interview Intelligence is, how it differs from an ATS, and why it is the future of hiring.
June 4, 2024
Company News

Ten Women Inspiring Inclusion 365 Days of the Year

We are honored to have our CEO and founder, Shiran Danoch, included in the 'Ten Women Inspiring Inclusion 365 Days of the Year' list.
April 24, 2024

5 Interview Myths Busted

Let's debunk five common interview myths that have persisted over time...
March 13, 2024
Thought Leadership

Breaking Free From Lengthy Interviews

Why do we keep interviewing endlessly and knowing when to stop based on data.
February 27, 2024

Decoding Tech Jargon: A Perplexed HR’s Guide To Algorithms, ML And AI In Talent Acquisition

Algorithms, machine learning and artificial intelligence each play a crucial role in optimizing your hiring processes and keeping you competitive in…
February 15, 2024
HR Daily Advisor

How Much Does a Bad Hire Actually Cost? Why Talent Professionals Must Know

There are numerous estimates concerning the actual cost of a bad hire. These estimates range from 3 months’ salary to 3…
October 18, 2023
Recruiting Daily
Thought Leadership

Recruitment Reimagined: CEOs Become Candidates

I recently came across a post by Lars Behrendt on LinkedIn that sparked a lively debate. It got me thinking: What…
October 3, 2023
Tech 12
Company News

Informed Decisions Helps Eliminate Interviewers’ Uncoincios Biases

Interviewers who rate women lower for technical positions, those who give too much weight to the beginning of the interview, and…
July 29, 2023
HR Daily Advisor
Thought Leadership

When Should Organizations Stop Interviewing?

Companies often struggle with long and tedious interview processes that consume valuable employee time, create a poor candidate experience, lead to…
July 28, 2023
HR Daily Advisor
Thought Leadership

3 Interview Questions You Should Stop Asking and What Can You Ask Instead

Are you tired of the same old interview questions? Let’s shake things up and retire three common questions that no longer…
July 27, 2023
Recruiting Daily
Thought Leadership

Use ‘Pointing and Calling’ To Reduce Interview Bias

The “pointing and calling” method is a safety protocol used by the Japanese railway system to reduce the risk of human…
June 7, 2023
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