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September 8, 2024
The Interview Scoring Scale Showdown: What's Your Magic Number?
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Calling all Talent Acquisition pros! 

Are you debating which scoring scale to use for interview feedback?

Let's crack this code together.

Two burning questions:

1️⃣ Even or Odd?

2️⃣ How many levels?

Even vs. Odd: Why Odd Wins 

Informed Decisions hot take: Go odd! Here's why:

• Captures the middle ground (hello, average candidates!) 

• Avoids forced high/low scores

• Perfect for skill assessment (save those even scales for attitude surveys)

The Level Game: 1-5, 1-7, or 1-11? 

The plot thickens! Consider this:

✅ More levels = Better differentiation (up to 11)

❌ But too many levels = Confused interviewers 

Our Goldilocks solution? 1-7 scale 🎉

Just right for:

• Creating variance

• Keeping it user-friendly 😊

Quick note on variance: In the interview context, variance refers to the spread of scores across candidates. It's crucial because it helps distinguish between candidates and makes your assessments more predictive of future job performance. Without variance, everyone looks the same on paper! 📄🤔

Remember: Your scale should let interviewers paint an accurate picture without turning into rocket science! 🚀🖌️

#InformedDecisions #TalentAcquisition #InterviewTips 

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