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May 24, 2024
Moving from "Time to Hire" to "Quality of Hire"
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Forward-thinking companies recognize the limitations of measuring only the temporal aspects of the hiring process and are adopting measures of hiring quality. 

This quality encompasses an employee's effectiveness and long-term impact on an organization's success. 

To gauge this, companies use tools like post hire surveys, performance assessments, and input from managers and colleagues. Retention rates also factor into assessing hiring quality. 

Notable companies such as Microsoft and LinkedIn employ post-hire surveys to gather comprehensive feedback on employees' skills, cultural fit, and performance. 

While these measures offer initial insights into hiring quality, they exhibit drawbacks: 


Quality of hire surveys and performance evaluations rely heavily on subjective viewpoints, often limited to the hiring manager's perspective, lacking a standardized benchmark. 

"Ceiling Effect"

Managerial ratings tend to skew positive, making differentiation between employees' performance levels challenging due to reluctance to provide critical feedback. 


The disparity between hiring and performance evaluation criteria, language, and measures complicates linking the two processes and truly understanding an employee's skills and quality of hire. 

In light of these limitations, collaborating with hiring managers to align language and metrics between hiring and performance evaluation can enhance the precision of quality-of-hire assessments. 

Providing clear scoring rubrics to managers further enhances measurement accuracy. 

Learn about innovative quality of hire KPIs and additional ways to differentiate yourself as a TA leader:

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