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July 14, 2024
So great to see leaders like @Peter Berg taking accountability for their talent acquisition practices and setting an example for others in feedback and transparency in hiring. #interviews #candidateexperience #informedecisions
July 14, 2024
Interview questions that make me sick...
#informedecisions #interviews #interviewhororrstory
July 14, 2024
Don't want to get stupid answers? STOP asking stupid interview questions!
#interviews #skillsbasedhiring #informedecisions
July 14, 2024
The term "Pray to get the job" just got a whole new meaning…
#bias #informedecisions
July 14, 2024
The Results Are In, and They Are Bad....
Thanks to all who participated in our survey:"Do the leaders in your company receive any feedback about their decision-making practices and results (hiring, promoting, training)?" We ran this survey in multiple channels and a staggering 90% answered "No". This means that for the most important decisions an organization makes about.
July 14, 2024
Here is the Harsh Truth About Your Hiring Results
Think about it: departments like sales, marketing, and finance thrive on well-defined goals and measures. They leverage KPIs, OKRs, and SMART goals to drive both team and individual performance. But here's the million-dollar question: Are we applying the same meticulous standards to our hiring results? Consider this: If your answer.
July 14, 2024
In the past month, we have reviewed 100+ companies’ Glassdoor interview reviews and this is what we found:
...One of the key things that destroys candidate experience is the lack of feedback about rejection reasons. Feedback is the greatest present you can give a rejected candidate. Instead of sending them on their way with a generic statement like "we have decided to move forward with more qualified candidates,".
July 14, 2024
🚀 Exciting News! 🚀Just published on Our latest article dives into the world of Interview Intelligence. 📊✨  Discover how Interview Intelligence stands apart from traditional ATS systems and why it's set to revolutionize the future of hiring. Check out the full article: #interviewintelligence #futureofhiring #informedecisions
July 14, 2024
Test Yourself!
🧠 Test Your Perception 🧠  Score the following statements on a scale of 1-5 based on how profound you think they are (1 - not at all, 5 - very profound): A. Today, science tells us that the essence of nature is grace. B. Life is the driver of potential. We live,.
July 14, 2024
I Left My Dream Job Because of Discrimination
After earning my license as an organizational psychologist, I eagerly accepted my first job as a Manager of Impact Evaluation for an NGO helping disadvantaged teens earn their GED. Fueled by a deep connection to the organization's mission, I traveled across the country to administer surveys in less-than-friendly areas. As.

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