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May 27, 2024
Why is it important to not only measure your interview process but also your interview team?
Throughout the hiring journey, particularly during interviews, decisions hinge on human judgment—recruiters, hiring managers, and team members. Human biases often taint these judgments, impacting underrepresented groups the most. The accuracy and fairness of your hiring process are only as good as the accuracy and fairness of your interviewers, so as.
May 27, 2024
3 drawbacks of traditional quality of hire measures and what to do about it
SubjectivityQuality of hire surveys and performance evaluations rely heavily on subjectiveviewpoints, often limited to the hiring manager's perspective, lacking astandardized benchmark. "Ceiling Effect"Managerial ratings tend to skew positive, making differentiation betweenemployees' performance levels challenging due to reluctance to provide criticalfeedback. MisalignmentThe disparity between hiring and performance evaluation criteria, language, andmeasures.
May 27, 2024
What do you think about this interview practice? Asking candidates to fix your problems.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the discussion. I was pleased to see that most of you agree that using candidates' time to perform actual work, which the company should be compensating them for, is unethical. I do believe it's acceptable and even recommended to expose candidates to challenges.
May 24, 2024
The Role of AI in Enhancing Interview Intelligence
In our previous article, we explored the concept of Interview Intelligence, highlighting its capacity to revolutionize hiring through advanced analytics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. Interview Intelligence transforms interviews into data-driven, insightful experiences, significantly improving hiring effectiveness and equitability. Continuing from that foundation, this article delves into the utilization of.

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