July 14, 2024
Research shows that: The Untapped Value of Job Interviews
In research conducted by Vikram R. Bhargava and Pooria Assadi from Cambridge University, they discuss the enduring relevance of job interviews in the age of AI. Why do companies still rely on job interviews despite the high costs? It seems straightforward: interviews are meant to predict a candidate's performance and.
July 14, 2024
Research shows that: How Adding More Evaluators Affects Performance Reviews
A research led by Matt C. Howard from the University of South Alabama and Pennsylvania State University investigates whether involving more evaluators in performance reviews actually leads to better assessment accuracy. The study found that although adding a second evaluator can improve assessment results, adding more than two offers diminishing.
July 14, 2024
I do, how about you?
#Interviews, #practicewhatyoupreach, #informedecisions
July 14, 2024
An Open Letter to Companies Asking Candidates to Do Excessive Work Before Even Having a Conversation
Dear companies asking candidates to do this much work before even having a conversation with them... I'm not sure what you are thinking: Whatever it is you are thinking, please reconsider; it's disrespectful to candidates and undermines your employer's brand. #interviews #candidateexperience #informedecisions