So great to see leaders like @Peter Berg taking accountability for their talent acquisition practices and setting an example for others in feedback and transparency in hiring.
#interviews #candidateexperience #informedecisions
So great to see leaders like @Peter Berg taking accountability for their talent acquisition practices and setting an example for others in feedback and transparency in hiring.
#interviews #candidateexperience #informedecisions
#candidteexperience #informedecisions
#candidateexperience #informedecisions
Dear companies asking candidates to do this much work before even having a conversation with them...
I'm not sure what you are thinking:
Whatever it is you are thinking, please reconsider; it's disrespectful to candidates and undermines your employer's brand.
#interviews #candidateexperience #informedecisions
#interviews #candidateexperience #informedecisions
Source: Reddit
#candidateexperience #informedecisions
#candidateexperience #informedecisions
#candidateexperience #informedecisions
1. Is this more funny or sad?
2. I understand why written communication is important to this role, but how complicated is it to ask to write about something relevant to the job?
3. In the era of generative AI - is it even relevant to assess written communication skills? if a candidate uses GenAI to clearly express themselves, should it matter?
#skillsbasedhiring #candidateeperience #informedecisions
This is an actual assessment for a marketing associate position, asking the candidate to rank order the words from best to worst - what TA professional in their right mind buys such an assessment? How could you even think it predicts something? And even if it did, what about the candidate's experience?
Source: reddit
#skillsbasedhiring #candidateperience #informedecisions