Providing actionable feedback to interviewers- Informed Decisions take

Thank you to everyone who participated in our survey: 'Should companies provide interviewers with actionable feedback on their strengths and biases during interviews?'

At Informed Decision, our resounding answer is a definite 'YES'. Here's why:

Interviewers, like professionals in any field, need feedback to improve. Imagine a basketball player not knowing if they scored, a surgeon unaware of their operation's outcome, or a salesperson clueless about closing a deal. Feedback is crucial.

Recruiters often lack visibility into their hiring effectiveness, as their involvement typically ends once a candidate is hired. Hiring managers, on the other hand, feel the impact of a good or poor hire but often can't link it to specific interviewing practices. Providing both groups with data-driven insights is a crucial step towards enhancing hiring accuracy and fairness."

#interviewfeedback #biasaudit #informedecisions


1. Number of potential biases monitored (i.e.: gender bias, ethnicity bias, academic institute bias, well-known companies bias) - the more potential biases you monitor the more chances for insights on how to improve your hiring process equity.

2. Bias score: - Create a scale that aggregates the data from all the biases
you are monitoring to provide insight into how biased or unbiased your
hiring process is. Track this metric over time to ensure your score increases
after applying relevant interventions.

#biasaudit #interviews #informedecisions


Since bias/interview training is quickly forgotten, a better way to reduce human bias in your hiring process is to monitor it. To manage bias (or anything else), you need to measure it first.

How to get started:

1- Ensure your interviews are scored

Many scorecards today use emojis, star icons, and other visualizations to rate interviews. However, deriving data-driven insights from this valuable information can be challenging. Scoring your interviews provides the key to unlocking insights into bias.

2- Analyze and Audit for Bias

Once your interviews are scored, you can begin examining various biases, such as group differences. Are we assigning higher scores to non-diverse candidates compared to diverse candidates? To males versus females? Are higher scores given to candidates from Ivy League schools or well-known companies? Is there a correlation between the type or number of years of experience and interview scores? These analyses offer profound insights that foster a deep understanding of your organization's actions affecting diversity efforts.

#biasaudit #interviews #informedecisions