So great to see leaders like @Peter Berg taking accountability for their talent acquisition practices and setting an example for others in feedback and transparency in hiring.

#interviews #candidateexperience #informedecisions

Interview questions that make me sick...

#informedecisions #interviews #interviewhororrstory

Don't want to get stupid answers? STOP asking stupid interview questions!

#interviews #skillsbasedhiring #informedecisions

The term "Pray to get the job" just got a whole new meaning…

#bias #informedecisions

The Results Are In, and They Are Bad....

Thanks to all who participated in our survey:
"Do the leaders in your company receive any feedback about their decision-making practices and results (hiring, promoting, training)?"

We ran this survey in multiple channels and a staggering 90% answered "No".

This means that for the most important decisions an organization makes about its most important resource, there is no feedback loop.

Now, imagine a basketball player shooting a hoop and then being blindfolded, never knowing if they made the dunk. How in the world can they improve?

Leaders must be held accountable for their decision-making practices and results, and they need clear, actionable, and data-driven feedback to learn and improve.

Stay tuned for upcoming posts to learn how to implement this effectively in hiring. Feel free to reach out to me to learn more.

#InformedDecisions #ActionableFeedback #Hiring

Here is the Harsh Truth About Your Hiring Results

Think about it: departments like sales, marketing, and finance thrive on well-defined goals and measures. They leverage KPIs, OKRs, and SMART goals to drive both team and individual performance.

But here's the million-dollar question:

Are we applying the same meticulous standards to our hiring results?

Consider this:

If your answer is anything less than a resounding "Yes," it might be time to rethink your approach.

What are the biggest challenges you face in measuring hiring outcomes effectively?

In the past month, we have reviewed 100+ companies’ Glassdoor interview reviews and this is what we found:

One of the key things that destroys candidate experience is the lack of feedback about rejection reasons.

Feedback is the greatest present you can give a rejected candidate.

Instead of sending them on their way with a generic statement like "we have decided to move forward with more qualified candidates," provide something they can learn from for their next application.

Feedback shows appreciation for their time and creates a positive candidate experience.

So how do you actually provide feedback?

Preferably by phone/video - particularly if the candidate was rejected at later stages of the recruitment process.

Ask if they are interested in feedback - sometimes you’ll get a yes when it’s really a no, but most will be grateful.

Mention something they did right in the process and what impressed you.
Focus on 1-2 skills and provide examples + how they can improve.

For example:
*Technical skill: “We were impressed with your solution, but your code wasn’t clean enough. We suggest practicing code cleaning and getting your code reviewed on these websites…”
*Human skill: “We liked how you approach problems, but your communication was too concise, making it hard to understand your decisions. This position requires clear communication of your thought process. Improve by practicing sharing your thoughts with friends and family.”

Although providing feedback may seem time-consuming, it becomes easier with practice. It’s a fair action that can yield positive results for the candidate experience, employer brand, and your own feedback-giving skills.

🚀 Exciting News! 🚀
Just published on Our latest article dives into the world of Interview Intelligence. 📊✨ 

Discover how Interview Intelligence stands apart from traditional ATS systems and why it's set to revolutionize the future of hiring.

Check out the full article:

#interviewintelligence #futureofhiring #informedecisions

Test Yourself!

🧠 Test Your Perception 🧠

 Score the following statements on a scale of 1-5 based on how profound you think they are (1 - not at all, 5 - very profound):

A. Today, science tells us that the essence of nature is grace.

B. Life is the driver of potential. We live, we dream, we are reborn.



Surprise! These statements were actually generated by an AI “New Age Bullshit Generator.”

The tendency to see such statements as profound is known as “Bullshit Receptivity.”

In their book “Noise,” late Daniel Kahneman and colleagues reveal that some people are more susceptible to being impressed by seemingly profound statements that are actually shallow or meaningless.

If you fell for this, don’t worry—it might just mean you’re in a good mood! Research shows that people in a good mood are more receptive to bullshit and less likely to spot fraud or misleading information.

The key takeaway? Don’t come grumpy to an interview, but be aware that some candidates excel at storytelling and speaking in slogans.

As interviewers, our job is to break down high-level statements like “my mission is to inspire and deliver” into concrete, real-life examples.

How do you spot and handle bullshit in interviews? Share your strategies in the comments

#bias #interviews #informedecisions

I Left My Dream Job Because of Discrimination

After earning my license as an organizational psychologist, I eagerly accepted my first job as a Manager of Impact Evaluation for an NGO helping disadvantaged teens earn their GED.

Fueled by a deep connection to the organization's mission, I traveled across the country to administer surveys in less-than-friendly areas.

As my workload grew, I requested to hire a research assistant. After a meticulous selection process, I found the ideal candidate and presented her to the CEO.

But just five minutes into their conversation, he pulled me aside and declared that I couldn’t hire her because she was not "one of ours."

It took me a moment to comprehend what he meant. When I looked around, I noticed that all the employees were of Middle-Eastern descent, while the candidate was an Ashkenazi Jew—Jews of Central and Eastern European descent.

This revelation hit me like a ton of bricks—until that moment, I had never experienced hiring discrimination firsthand.

I suddenly recalled the CEO's subtle racist jokes about Ashkenazi Jews during team meetings, which I had previously dismissed as quirks.

And the irony, oh the bitter irony, of an NGO CEO, committed to aiding disadvantaged populations, perpetuating the same biases he claimed to fight, just in reverse.

I was too inexperienced and too stunned to challenge him.

The candidate wasn't hired, and I couldn't continue working in such an environment. I resigned, but the experience haunted me.

In retrospect, this pivotal moment shaped my future career choices. It ignited a passion for promoting fairness and eliminating bias in hiring processes.

This experience also serves as a cautionary tale against fighting bias with reversed bias—one of the key reasons why DEI initiatives face backlash today.

P.S. What discrimination stories have you experienced as TA or candidates?

Repost this to raise awareness about hiring discrimination.

♻️ Thank you!

#bias #hiring #informedecisions